Once the Farmer has booked his Plants and paid the booking fee to Kashiratna Agriculture Pvt. Ltd. for the preparation of Plants or Seedlings, his Booking cannot be cancelled for any reason and the booking fee will not be refunded in any case.
Kashiratna Agriculture Pvt. Ltd. will not accept cancellation once the customer has reserved his plant and paid the payment. Farmers must accept plant delivery within 15 days of receiving notification from Kashiratna Agriculture Pvt. Ltd. If the farmer fails to do so, Kashiratna Agriculture Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to sell the plants to another party. The proceeds of the sale would be paid to the farmer who had originally reserved the plants and materials. If the farmer sells to another party, loss will be debited from his account, and any remaining amount will be refunded to him. If Kashiratna Agriculture Pvt. Ltd. does not find any bookings for those plants and is unable to sell them to any other farmer, the prepared plant will be destroyed, and the deposit will not be refunded.
If Kashiratna Agriculture Pvt. Ltd. can show that it is refusing to accept plants or materials offered to it due to the poor condition or defective quality of the material under delivery, it will be entitled to a refund of the amount paid.
When some unexpected situation occurs and causes trouble which is beyond the company’s control, such as natural calamities, Kashiratna Agriculture Pvt. Ltd. may be forced to cancel the bookings partially or completely without assigning any reason or providing any advance notice to the farmer. The farmer will have no right to recompense for such cancellations, whether partial or total.
To process your payment, Kashiratna Agriculture Pvt. Ltd. will use the facilities of third-party payment service providers. Payment options may be upgraded to other payment mechanisms at any time.